Privacy Policy

1) Identification of the publisher and the host

TC Retail pays particular attention to the protection and confidentiality of the personal data of individuals. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting access to your personal data by collecting it and using it exclusively in compliance with the legal provisions in force.
This privacy policy explains how we use the personal data you provide to TC Retail when you buy our products, we invite you to use our services, and navigate our websites and when you contact us.

2) Who are we

TC Retail is a company with a capital of 4,400,000 euros whose registered office is at 29 rue Fortuny 75017 Paris, France, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the SIREN number 332 855 691.
TC Retail is responsible for processing your personal data insofar as TC Retail determines the purposes and means of processing your personal data.
"Website" means any of the websites mentioned in section 9.01 below.
We respect your right to privacy and we are committed to preserving it. We only collect, keep and process your personal data in accordance with the laws and regulations in force and in particular the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
By buying our products and using our services, accessing, navigating or using our websites, you confirm that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy. Please assure that you have read it carefully, and in particular the section detailing your rights in relation to the personal data that we collect about you.
In order to facilitate your reading and clarify our policy, we have divided it into several sections:

3)    What personal data do we harvest about you? 

Data that we have collected with our interactions with the user :
  • Civility (M/Mrs.)
  • Name
  • First name
  • Date of Newborn
  • Home postal address
  • Home or phone fixed phone number Musical mobile
  • Password
  • Electronic email address
  • Your purchase basket (if applicable)
  • Your purchasing history, details of your ticket, your appetite to Sale And, in general, your purchase preferences to help us suggest products
Data that we collect from third parties :
We can collect personal data provided to us by other companies that have obtained your consent to share this data with us, or need to share data with us relative to the products you have purchased or reserved.

4)    How do we use your data and in what legal form?

We use your personal data in different ways, depending on the type of data provided. You are not required to provide this personal data, but if you do not do so, you may not be able to buy products and we may not be able to provide certain services.
  1. Your personal data can be used to manage customer relations:
    - training and execution of contracts (orders, deliveries, invoicing, payments, recovery of unpaids, litigation);
    - the implementation and management of a loyalty program within an entity or several legal entities;
    - the organization of commercial lotteries, contests and promotional operations;
    - monitoring of customer relations (carrying out satisfaction surveys, complaints management, selection of customers to carry out studies, surveys and surveys).
  2. We process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes within the framework of the execution of the various contracts which bind us (purchase contracts, loyalty programs, regulations of commercial lotteries and contests, conditions of promotional operations, etc.) but Also on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving our products and our services (eg satisfaction surveys, studies and surveys, etc.) and to maintain a lasting relationship with our customers (e.g. complaint management).
  3. Your personal data can be used to carry out marketing actions described in section 6 below.
  4. Your personal data can be used to exercise your rights as described in section 5 below.

      5) hangHow long do we keep your data?

      • We keep your data only the time required to achieve the purpose for which this data is collected, in order to meet your needs. Thus, we keep your personal data as follows:
      • In the event of purchase of a product: from order or purchase until the end of the commercial relationship (payment of the price, delivery of the product, processing of the right of withdrawal), plus three years in the event elongated marketing actions of the applicable prescription period.
      • In the event of marketing actions: three years from the end of the commercial relationship if it is a customer or, if it is a prospect, from data collection or Last contact emanating from the prospect, lying on the duration of the applicable prescription.
      • In the event of a complaint introduced by a person concerned: during the time necessary for the treatment of the complaint and during the duration of the applicable prescription.
      In certain circumstances, such as compliance with our legal or regulatory obligations (accountants, tax, administrative, disputes, prevention of fraud and abuses or the application of our general conditions, we can keep your personal data too long that require or authorize it the applicable legal or regulatory provisions.

      6) Who can access your data?

      1. A) In general, your personal data will be accessible to people authorized to process it because of their functions, such as our sales teams and the service in charge of customer relations management.
      2. B) Your personal data may also be the subject of processing for our account by:
        - IT service providers (platform suppliers, accommodation services, maintenance and technical support services);
        - Marketing agencies that help us carry out advertising campaigns and do the corresponding statistical analyzes;
        - providers who take care of some of our electronic commerce services (eg logistics, delivery, etc.);
        - payment service providers;
        - third parties who help us carry out satisfaction surveys or manage complaints.
      Organizational and technical measures are systematically taken with these various recipients to guarantee the protection of your personal data.
      1. C) Finally, we can communicate your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes for other entities in our group of companies, in particular to create your profile from your purchases, subject to having obtained your consent in most case.

          7) What are your rights?

          You have many rights on your personal data and how it is used. Without prejudice to the specific notification methods provided for in this section, you can exercise these rights by contacting us with the addresses mentioned in section 13 below.
          Please note that we will need to check your identity before providing you with the personal data we hold about you. We do it to protect your data. We can also ask you to provide us with additional data to help us process your request more effectively.
          1. Right to information : This privacy policy and all other details provided when we collect your personal data inform you of how we use it.
          2. Right : You have the right to obtain confirmation that your personal data is or is not processed and, when it is, access to said data and the information provided by law.
          3. Right of rectification : If you think that the personal data we hold about your subject can be inaccurate, the easiest way to correct this inaccuracy is to update your profile in my account.
          4. Right to erasure ("Right to be forgotten"): Unless we have a reason to keep your personal data, you can ask us to erase it. If we need to keep them, we will give you the explanation in our answer
          5. Right to limit treatment : In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the limitation of processing your personal data. If processing is limited, we can keep your data but are not allowed to use or process it. However, we can refuse such a request in some cases. If necessary, we will provide you with the reasons for our refusal in our response.
          6. Right to data portability : You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in order to be able to transmit it to another controller. As far as possible, we will make this data available to you in a commonly used format.
          7. Right of opposition : When the processing of your personal data is Bottomsé on the legitimate interest referred to in section 2 above, you have the right to oppose this treatment at any time. However, we can refuse such a request for legitimate and imperative reasons. If necessary, we will provide you with the reasons for our refusal in our response.
            In addition, you can oppose our marketing actions at any time by unsubscribing to the offers received (in particular by clicking on the "unsubscription" link in any email that we send you).
          8. Right to submit a complaint : If you think we have not processed your personal data correctly or if you are not satisfied with how we have processed your request, you can submit a complaint to the competent control authority. In France, it is the National Data Protection Commission and Liberties (CNIL). You can also form a jurisdictional appeal.

              8) Marketing actions

              If you have given us your contact details, we can use them (if you are a prospect who has agreed or an existing customer who does not have opposed it) to send you marketing messages in order to keep you informed of our activities and help you see and find our products. This includes sending information on special offers, services and promotions of TC Retail.
              As part of the exercise of our activity, TC Retail has a legitimate interest in promoting its products by sending marketing messages to existing customers of TC Retail and/or those who are in negotiations with us for a commercial operation.
              When we collect your personal data as part of a purchase, we give you the possibility of refusing to receive these marketing messages by simply checking the appropriate box (Opt-out).
              When we collect your personal data in another framework (commercial lotteries, concrete games, opening of your online account without making a purchase), we systematically ask for your consent above all sending marketing messages by simply checking the appropriate box (OPT -in).
              If, currently, you refuse to receive our marketing messages, you can always choose to accept to receive them by modifying your preferences on "my account".
              Our systems update may take time, so you could receive messages from us while we process your request.

              9) Connection witnesses (cookies)

              We also collect data concerning you via cookies when browsing our websites. For any additional information, please consult parts 5, 6 and 7.

              10) Automated decision -making and profiling

              This is a decision made about you by using your personal data and which is BottomsEE on automated treatment, including profiling.
              You have the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automated decision -making which produces legal effects concerning you or which affects you in a similar way. However, this right will not apply if the decision is necessary for the conclusion or the execution of a contract, is authorized by law or is based on your explicit consent.
              We may use automated decision -making to allow you to conclude a contract with us (such as automatic fraud filtering), or in a way that will have no significant effect on you as an individual (like our General analysis of data aimed at better understanding the behavior and characteristics of our customers).
              We use profiling to personalize the advertisements intended for you, such as displaying advertisements according to your purchasing behavior in our stores and/or your navigation habits on our website. You can choose not to be profiled in this way by choosing not to participate in marketing actions and updating your preferences in terms of cookies.

              11) International data transfer

              Your personal data can be stored and processed in your country or other country where TC Retail and its service providers manage servers and processing centers. We take measures, including through contracts, the aim of which is to ensure that your data continues to be protected where they are located in all consistency with the protection standards imposed by the applicable regulations and in particular the GDPR .
              Your data will, if necessary, be accessible for computer maintenance purposes to the authorized teams of our IT service provider, which are located in Tunisia.
              When your personal data is transferred from the European Union to a country which is not considered to offer adequate protection by the European Commission, we set up the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission in order to transfer the data.

              12) Modification of our privacy policy

              We can occasionally modify this privacy policy to reflect the way we process your personal data.
              If we make significant changes, we will highlight the sections of the updated privacy policy to allow you to examine the changes.
              This privacy policy was updated for the last time on September 23, 2022.

              13) How to contact uster?

              You can contact us by:
              - Courier: TC Retail 29 rue Fortuny 75017 Paris (France)